Our Policies and Codes

Transparency and integrity are key values of IDH. We have incorporated clear policies and codes related to our work processes and work environment. Our Supervisory Board and Impact Committee overlook the organization and support us in decisions, overseeing our functioning and impacts.

Good Governance

IDH adheres to high standards of good practices and transparency in governance and reporting. We are a publicly funded and government mandated change agent. Our Governance Code clarifies the governance structures and processes beyond our articles of association and regulations. The Governance Code has been formalized by the IDH Executive Board on March 27, 2014, and approved by the IDH Supervisory Board supported by the Audit Committee.

The Governance Code is available for download here. (3.1 Mb)

RSDN nr: 850911916KvK nr: 53521129

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct provides overview of the values, commitments, responsibilities and integrity that IDH stand for.  It applies to, and governs all decisions of, our people.  This includes employees (incl. Board of Directors) and consultants acting on behalf of IDH. It is our expectation that our business partners apply similar standards of conduct when working with IDH.

The Code of Conduct is available for download here.

ICSR Policy

IDH’s ICSR policy outlines IDH’s strategy for the integration of the OECD guidelines for Multinational Enterprises in its program activities.

The ICSR Policy is available for download here.

Competition Compliance Policy

IDH and all Participants to IDH Programs are committed to full and fair competition.  In order to promote the compliance with these laws, IDH has adopted this Competition Compliance Policy in which the basic rules for competition compliance are set out.

The Competition Compliance Policy is available for download here.

SpeakUp Policy

IDH prioritizes an open and transparent culture where everyone feels safe. Speaking up is very important and the right thing to do. When you suspect a violation of IDH’s values, the principles set out in the IDH Code of Conduct , other IDH policies or laws or regulations has occurred or may occur, it is important to report this. The SpeakUp policy describes how you can report any suspected misconduct or irregularities and what happens after you made such report. IDH offers its reporting mechanisms internally to our staff and to anyone else outside the organization that becomes aware of (potential) misconduct or irregularities related to IDH. Anyone reporting in good faith will be protected against reprisals and negative consequences after reporting a concern.

If you are a partner and want to report misconduct, click here.

If you are an IDH employee and want to report misconduct, click here.

IDH’s SpeakUp policy is available for download here.

Safeguarding policy

The safeguarding policy includes IDH’s commitment to take all reasonable steps to identify and minimize the risk of harm caused by sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment to children and vulnerable adults arising from coming into contact with our staff, partners or our work. In addition, the safeguarding policy protects our staff itself from such harm. The safeguarding policy describes how IDH identifies and minimizes the risk of harm through the risk management framework, reporting mechanisms, recruitment and selection, the IDH Code of Conduct and the governance and accountability structure.

The safeguarding policy is available for download here.

Privacy Statement

IDH acts in accordance with the Privacy Statement for supplier and business partner data. This Privacy Statement provides information on the processing of personal data by IDH and its global representative offices and subsidiaries. Read the whole document here.