Patagonia joins forces with IDH’s WARP program to achieve higher wages in apparel

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Outdoor clothing company Patagonia is the first member to join IDH’s Wages in Apparel and Responsible Purchasing (WARP) program for collective action to raise wages and increase responsible purchasing practices in the apparel sector.

IDH will partner with Patagonia and selected suppliers through the WARP program to expand and reinforce Patagonia’s decade-long efforts around living wages and responsible purchasing practices, as well as to create more avenues for social dialogue.

“Living wages for workers is a collective responsibility,” said Wendy Savage, Senior Director of Social Impact and Transparency at Patagonia. “We are committed to working with employers, governments, worker associations and brands to find sustainable wage solutions that will meaningfully improve livelihoods. This commitment is strengthened today by our partnership with IDH and its WARP program. This innovative and collaborative approach builds on our existing efforts around living wages. We look forward to embarking on this initiative and invite other companies to join us in building a system that can significantly and sustainably raise wages for workers around the world.”

The apparel sector is rooted in low-wage sourcing areas. According to The Industry We Want’s 2024 wage-gap metric, the average gap between minimum wages and the average living wage in key garment-producing countries is 49,5%. The sector also employs a majority of women, who are often paid lower wages than their male counterparts.

To transform the sector, the WARP program was created. WARP convenes and co-creates collective action between apparel and footwear brands, manufacturers, worker representatives and government to achieve higher wages for workers and increase brands’ responsible purchasing practices.

"Patagonia's pivotal role in the WARP Program showcases their unwavering dedication to sustainability and social responsibility,” said Sirel Ceren Çoroğlu, Senior Program Manager at IDH. “As the inaugural international partner, Patagonia's dedication to co-funding and actively engaging in program initiatives sets a precedent for the industry. Their leadership not only propels the WARP Program forward but also serves as a beacon, inspiring other brands to follow given current and upcoming due diligence legislation and increasing consumer pressure."

IDH looks forward to joint efforts with Patagonia and urges the rest of the apparel industry to follow suit. By achieving higher wages, the industry has the potential to improve the quality of life of a significant number of workers and ensure equal pay for men and women in the sector. Additionally, putting in place responsible purchasing practices will enable suppliers to increase wages while maintaining the profitability of the business and improving their relationship with buyers.

About IDH:

IDH seeks to transform markets through collaborative innovation, convening and investment in inclusive and sustainable solutions that enable businesses to create value for people and planet. To achieve this, IDH brings together coalitions of committed stakeholders from across global value chains towards joint visions and program agendas for sustainable trade.

IDH’s international presence extends to multiple regions and landscapes, facilitated by a network of around 400 staff including experts who are embedded in key agricultural, manufacturing, apparel and commodity value chains. In 15 years of operation, IDH has mobilized private sector investment and support to test and innovate new business models designed to create better jobs, better incomes, a better environment, and gender equity for all.

Learn about our unique method of convening, co-creating and co-financing.

About Patagonia:

We’re in business to save our home planet. Founded by Yvon Chouinard in 1973, Patagonia is an outdoor apparel company based in Ventura, California. As a certified B Corporation and a founding member of 1% for the Planet, the company is recognized internationally for its product quality and environmental activism, as well as its contributions of more than $230 million to environmental organizations. Its unique ownership structure reflects that Earth is its only shareholder: Profits not reinvested back into the business are paid as dividends to protect the planet.